R e c e n s i o n i



What they say about us

What they say about us.Various aspects of the Adanti Winery described from other perspectives.

Detailed evaluations and analyses of all our products, of the history and activities that take place in the winery, describe the uniqueness of the Adanti experience.

What they say about us.Various aspects of the Adanti Winery described from other perspectives.

Detailed evaluations and analyses of all our products, of the history and activities that take place in the winery, describe the uniqueness of the Adanti experience.

“Domenico Adanti: tradizione e rispetto del vitigno” su su Civiltà del bere
Adanti su Tipicamente.it.
Winesurf 2019: I migliori vini d’Italia per Winesurf: i nostri Oscar del 2019!
Slow Wine 2021, i 23 vini ‘Top’ dell’Umbria secondo l’editore della «Chiocciola».
Le 218 Chiocciole di Slow Wine 2022!
Sagrantino, il calice ribelle che ha dentro la forza del rock
Estratto scritto da Ian D’Agata sulla testata online Terroir Sense, giugno 2022